Background & Bio

My name is Paul Nguyen, and I’m a software engineer.

I am currently a quant engineer working in the high-frequency trading space at Optiver.

Before this, I was on the open source team at Anaconda, where I built open source tools for data scientists.

My work focused on the Metagraph project and the GraphBLAS MLIR dialect.

Prior to Anaconda, I was the Lead Data Integration Engineer at Cycorp.

I earned my Master of Science degree at the University of Virginia under Connelly Barnes. My graduate work was published in ACM Transactions on Graphics and was presented at ACM SIGGRAPH.

I earned my Bachelor of Science degree at Washington & Lee University where I worked with Joshua Stough on image classification.

My resume can be found here.

Outside of the tech world, I worked as a swing dance instructor for several years under the Jazz Dance Education Council in Richmond, Virginia.

My other interests include outdoor rock climbing, photography (some of which you'll see on this page), and learning the art of Texas-style BBQ.

Industry Experience

Graph Representation Learning

Implement deep graph representation learning methods (e.g. GraphSAGE, HOPE, & node2vec) via Keras & StellarGraph. Experience with NetworkX & CuGraph.

Compiler & Programming Language Development

Developed open-source JIT compiler for dense and sparse matrix algebra. Built declarative query language transpiler to/from various forms of SQL, SPARQL, and Cypher.

Natural Language Processing

Question answering, word sense disambiguation, & text classification via PyTorch, NLTK, gensim. Industry experience in attention mechanisms & transformers.

Image Processing

Published on automated image processing optimization. Non-photorealistic rendering, image completion, etc. in Python, C/C++, MATLAB.

Relational Databases

Experience includes SQL optimization (PostgreSQL & Microsoft SQL Server) as well as data processing via Pandas.

UI / UX Developer

Front end experience developing in React & Javascript. Interactive data visualization experience via D3JS & Bokeh.

Sample Work

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For more of my work, see my Github profile.

Paul Nguyen's Contact Info

Austin, TX